Evelynn Chen
Software Engineer Intern @ JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Previous Software Engineer Intern @ Shedd Capital, LLC

Featured Projects
Administrative internal tool for PLS that provides early warning analysis of potential risks such as fraud, accidents, delays, and runaway theft.
Freight Shipping Tracker & Risk Analyzer
TartanHacks 2024 - PLS Sponsor Track Prize
Tools: React.js, Tailwind CSS, Figma
Mobile app that leverages generative AI to give recommendations on a food item's quality and safety based on its picture and description.
Food Safety & Waste Prevention App
CMU Google Solution Hackathon - 1st Overall
Tools: Flutter, Google Gemini
A website that streamlines the process of comparing 2-4 players' statistics for the minigame Bedwars.
Minecraft Minigame Stats Comparison Tool
Tools: Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Figma
Computer-vision-controlled videogame built in 24 hours where the player fights scaling difficulty levels of bosses via body movements.
slash n bash
Hack112 2022 - 1st Overall
Tools: Python, Tkinter, Pygame, OpenCV